Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Night Before Departure

It's raining pretty hard tonight and it's supposed to rain harder. I feel sick. Mostly from walking around and shooting in Asakusa all day. I just managed to squeak into Tokyu Hands (a craft/home goods store) just before they closed to get a few things to make my character figure. By the time I got home it was already late. A friend who was supposed to travel with me today has to go to the immigration office for visa stuff so I'm on my own for the first leg.

My legs are already killing me so I'm just going to have a hot bath and sleep. I'll make my Tokaido Estello and pack my gear tomorrow.

Digital Camera
Polaroid back for Holga
Tokyo map book
Various pens and pencil crayons
Estello and some extra clay
cloth bag for Estello
cell phone

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